At Life Coach, our team is led by a well-known and respected nurse, Gayle Anne Morris, who is a military & corporate counselling specialist with over 20 years experience in Primary Healthcare and Mental Health Assessment, Counselling, Advocacy, Education, Facilitation, and Empowerment. Her methods and practice have won critical acclaim from both the Canadian and U.S. military, especially in the days following 9/11, when she won the respect and admiration of many senior officials for her counselling of Canadian and American soldiers trying to come to terms with that senseless tragedy.
Individually, and as the leader of the Life Coach team, Gayle Anne's reputation for her consistent display of integrity and her ability to facilitate change — especially during periods of extreme challenge — are what makes Life Coach such a unique offering in the sea of support workers and personal coaches that you may encounter. She and everyone on the Life Coach team possess the tactful, diplomatic, and extremely professional demeanor that can make the utmost difference in achieving resolution or attaining your goals.